I miss you like HELL but you'll never know. This is the 2nd post about you. It has been a very very long time since I last saw you. They said that you have become a bit fat and chubby. I am really glad for that. That means you have lead a good life there. I really miss you so much. Really. Although so many years have passed, but I will never forget everything about you. I know you will never read this blog again, that's why I feel so free to type it out here :)
I still remember the last day before you went to Taiwan, I called you from school. You told me if can after studying Form 5, you hope that I can come and study in Taiwan. I was so childish that time to tell you that I hate Taiwan, don't like the life there and I never want to go there to study. The main reason was because I was so sad of your leaving. And yea, everything was over and the only thing left was MEMORY. Thanks for all the memories you have given to me. I promise not to "put your aeroplane" (like what you always like to say) if I were given the chance to see you again.
Take care, dear Ah Pek. You'll be deeply missed.