Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Sound of My Heart
So what i want to say is 'Thank You' to my beloved parents...although they always busy with their works...but at least they cared about me...they wished me good luck before I went to the school and started a war...this is more than enough for me^^ Especially my mum...sorry for being so unfilial...sorry for making her worried for my know what...I scare that I will get a bad result as I never study I keep reminding her not to have high expectation...I think she must be very sad at the moment as for this whole year, she has sacrificed a lot of her times for sending me to tuition center...spent a lot of money on my education fees and even she knew that my body is quite she spent lots of her times to bring me to the doctor and bought some enzymes or medicine to make my body healthier...and there is something more important!! My mum has high blood that morning before I go to school and collect my mum said she felt a bit numb on her left arm...and so she checked the pressure herself(we have a machine for checking pressure) her pressure went up until 145...then she was very nervous and of course if you were in that will be terribly scare...I don't know what to do...the only thing that i could do is prayed to the God...I told the God to bless my mum...You can cut down a few A's...I don't need those A's...I just want my mum to be healthy!!! Without wasting anytime, my mum called me to do some massage on her arm and called my younger sister to pack some shirts in case she need to stay in the last my father sent her to the Columbia know what the doctor told my mum? "There is nothing that you need to worry about. Just relax and go for a holiday with your husband." but my mum still hesitating...she wanted the doctor to do medical check-up for her...but the doctor said no mum just need to rest more...that's all...puffff...we finally can put down the big stone on our heart...haha...we sighed with relief...with light-heartedly, my father drove us toward my school...aww...can I skip that part?? I am very lazy to type so much of things la...some more my stomach is very hungry my fingers have no more energy to move over the mum told me that one of the reasons she was feeling so was because of my results...she couldn't sleep well the day before...
Besides that, I also have to thank my teachers for being so caring and put their hearts and soul into us...if they are not there, I won't be getting such a good results...maybe you will feel that it is so lame, but to me...I feel very grateful...and to all my friends( Chai Bao, Kai Qin, Ru Yen, Siau Ying, Ah Loh, Ah Miow, Win Fatt, Yi Zhang, Yee Seng, Andrew, Yoke Yee, Cheet Qing) oh too many to write...thanks for being there always...whenever I don't understand something, you all will volunteer to teach me...I will keep that in my heart whenever I go..Last but not my sisters, brother and aunt...thanks for giving me support and advice...thanks for waking me up whenever I don't want to...thanks for using so much ways like kicking me or whatever to prevent me not to sleep again...(although after I woke up you will surely get scolding from me)...
Wow...after a long long speech...until my saliva is completely dried...I really appreciate for what you have done for me...this is what we called LOVE...AN INVISIBLE LOVE~ Poetry Blender
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Farewell to 2009
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools...(and so on)
Do life really as slow as what William Shakespeare meant in "Life Brief Candle"? I don't think so. Life passes as swiftly as we have to cherish what we have now and do something that is meaningful...
2009 is going to end...What have I done in this whole long year? Well, I don't really know...okay, lets don't continue makes my mind fly to somewhere else and keeps staring at the screen of the computer =p...Due to chinese custom, as it is the end of year 2009 we have to celebrate "Dong Zhi"...which means we have to make some kind of small balls call "tang yuan"...hehe...and what is so special about the balls is after you eat the small balls, you will grow one year older...does it surprise you?? I think everyone in this world wish they will live-ever-long(chang-shen-bu-lao) make sure you don't eat the ball ball la...wakaka...I wish I would become Peter Pan and live in I won't be old...if my dream really come true, I will bring my whole family and all my friends there(hey make sure you guys wait for me yea)...what a silly dream xD...
Go back to our title about Dong Zhi, let me post some photos to let you see...
First of all, we have to make"doh"...erm...this is the three colours of doh that my aunt made...oh yea...still left white colour doh...I took it away...haha...let me tell you where was the colour of the doh came from...
White: original...of course that is the colour of the flour
Green: pandan
Pink: (pewarna...don't know what it called in english)
Blue: the colour of one kind of blue-purplish flowers
This is the photos of my family making tang yuan...even my small little brother also helping...
This was the tang yuan made by my brother..the whole plate is made by him...I think he is the one who made the most tang yuan...really great!! proud of him xD...I don't think any of a small boy whose age only 6 can do such a great job like what my brother did...
"Deng! Deng! Deng! Deng!"...Proud to say that this was the tang yuan made by my family colourful and nice huh??!! xD...Hope that all of us and the readers out there will have a bless 'dong zhi'...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Exploration in Gunung Angsi
yoyo...finally i got a chance to climb mountain with my friends and family...i remembered the last time that i went for mountain climbing was last year during Girl Guide's camp in Kuala was so fun...before we went into the mountain, I heard that some of my friends that have been into the mountain said there were a lot of leeches...yeah! I love leeches...I hope that I will get a bite by them...but after that, one of my friends came back from the mountain climbing and she got bitten by the leeches...i can see the blood keeps coming out from the hole that the leeches was so disgusting...but anyway I like it! hehe...She told me that it was a bit painful so at last I decided not to take the risk...I think everyone will scare of pain, don't you?? Therefore, I have done a lot of preparation before I went into the mountain...I heard somebody said that if you apply some shampoo or any soap on your foot, the leeches won't bite you...after thinking for a long while, I decided to try...and my friends keep spraying some mosquito repellent on my body from the top to the last i got the smell of the herbal all over my body@.@
Here come the chance to explore the mountain again...but it is not the same mountain...this mountain is called Gunung is located in Kuala Pilah i guess...on that day, I woke up 4 o'clock in the morning to prepare some breakfast--egg sandwiches(it makes me mouth-watering again)...aiks...i forgot to take the photos of cornflakes ball made by our big chef--Zuo Nian Ah Pek...although all the food that we prepared was'nt really very nice...hehe...but we ate to our hearts' content...haiz...actually we have to gathered at 6.30am...but some of the lazy pig(better don't mention their name)only woke up at that we started our journey at 7 something...
Here are some photos that we took that day ;D
Oops...its a waste that we didn't take any video*shaking head*...Through this activity, the distance between everyone of us become closer...hope that the friendship among us will as strong as anything else in the world...*Laugh out loud*...Before I end, I really have to thanks everyone of us that get round valuable time to attend for this mountain climbing...If time permits, I hope that we can go out again!!! Happy moments always pass away so quickly that we don't really realize...Looking forward for next gathering...
LOVE YOU GUYS!!! muakzz...
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Friend
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Trip to National Museum

Siau Ying and me^^
A gift to Siau Ying and me because we never take photos together before...i think...
Ah Loh and Ah Miow!!
Eeeee...cutie Miow...Ah Miow seldom takes i think this is the best photo of her life...until she finds her 'White Horse Prince' someday...I'll be waiting for that day...Ah Miow jia you : ) Actually Ah Loh Loh also very cute la...hehe...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Prefect Farewell

Can see the dress that i wore?? actually that one is my aunt's dress..and my mum made it long ago...still looks so nice...proud of my mum...

Nice photos right??
All boy prefects will know wat is this...bags and clothes all over the bed and even on the floor!When you go in this room...First, you will know wat is 'smelly'...Second, your head will start to spin n get a headache...Third, you will run to one place call 'toilet' and you will vomit...p/s: those situations stated are for girls only... maybe boys will think that is very MAN...
Aiya...i forgot to take photos of the food n performances...if you want, go and ask from other prefects la...bye bye...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Visit to The Seaside
the big rocks that i mentioned...just want to let you guys see the beauty of nature^^

the picture that i took with my cousin...nice right=p

a dead crab without legs that i found under the rocks...the pattern on its shell was so beautiful...